How to cook Jollof Spaghetti

Spaghetti (Pasta) Jollof

We will be sharing some of our cooking recipes with you our lovely audience as we continue to grow as a food brand.

What do we start with? Hmmm, Spaghetti Jollof, yeah Pasta.

The key thing in preparing Spahetti is to make sure it is not soggy.


Spaghetti, Onions, Bayleaf, Nutmeg, Curry, Thyme, Tin tomato, Pepper, Vegetable Oil, Maggi, Salt, Carrot, Sweet corn, Green pepper, Green peas.


Add a little vegetable to water (so the spaghetti would not stick together).

Parboil for like 10mins, make sure it’s not so soft. Drain the water by putting the pasta in a seive.

Fry the oil with onions and tin tomato, when the oil is hot then add a little pepper, nutmeg, bayleaf, thyme, curry and maggi.

Leave it to fry for 10-15mins.

Then add a little salt.

Add the parboiled spaghetti to the fried sauce, stir well.

Then cover for like 3 minutes just to steam it.

After this, add the vegetables (sweet corn, carrot etc).

Then cover it for another 3minutes.

Your Jollof Spaghetti is ready! You can serve with chicken, turkey, fish or even beef! Enjoy your meal.

Order your delicious Jollof Spaghetti from Molabat Kitchen by clicking here.

Spaghetti (Pasta) Jollof served with fried Turkey

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